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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
[French Grammar FFL FLE] Grammaire - Valeurs du présent

[French Grammar FFL FLE] Grammaire - Valeurs du présent

This grammar worksheet teaches the different uses of the present indicative in French. There are 3 parts: Lesson: the present tense can be used to express an immediate action, a general truth, a habitual action, an action in the near future and a conditional future fact. Exercise 1: Match 20 sentences with the corresponding use of the present tense, indicating the corresponding letter (A, B, C, D or E) in brackets. Exercise 2: In the second part, learners are asked to write five sentences, each corresponding to one of the five types of present tense mentioned in the lesson. This worksheet is suitable for learners of French as a foreign language (FLE) levels B1 to B2, as well as for CM1 and CM2 pupils (or even 6ème for a refresher course). There are 2 exercises on a single page (ink savings). Downloadable in PDF and DOCX.
[French FFL B1-B1] Cinco de Mayo, une fête populaire dans la culture mexicaine

[French FFL B1-B1] Cinco de Mayo, une fête populaire dans la culture mexicaine

Voici un textes et des exercices (4 pages A4) sur le thème de Cinco de Mayo (= 5 mai), une fête populaire au Mexique et aux États-Unis. Vous trouverez les parties suivantes : Un texte parlant de cette fête Un exercice de vocabulaire (10 mots à définir) 3 exercices de compréhension écrite 3 sujets d’expression écrite/orale Téléchargeable en PDF et DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… *Here is a worksheet (4 pages) about Cinco de Mayo (= May 5), a popular holiday in Mexico and the United States. You will find the following parts: A text about this holiday A vocabulary exercise (10 words to define) 3 reading comprehension exercises 3 written/oral expression topics Downloadable in PDF and DOCX format.*
[French FFL FLE] Personality test - Test de personnalité

[French FFL FLE] Personality test - Test de personnalité

Here is a personality test for FFL (FLE) A2/B1 learners. With its 10 questions, it will help learners to get to know themselves better and find out how to study more effectively. You’ll find an analysis of the results on a second page, with advice adapted to each of the 4 profiles. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX formats. You can use this personality test with higher levels (FFL B2, C1…) French text: Voici un test de personnalité pour les apprenants FLE A2/B1. Avec ses 10 questions, il permettra aux apprenants de mieux se connaître et de savoir comment travailler plus efficacement. Vous trouverez une analyse des résultats sur une seconde page A4, avec des conseils adaptés pour chacun des 4 profils Le document est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX. Vous pouvez utiliser ce test de personnalité avec des niveaux supérieurs (FLE B2, C1…)
(French A2) Vocabulary: nationalities (vocabulaire : adjectifs de nationalité)

(French A2) Vocabulary: nationalities (vocabulaire : adjectifs de nationalité)

Entraînez vous sur les adjectifs de nationalité avec notre exercice de vocabulaire et de grammaire (PDF. Pour FLE A2-B1 et écoliers CE2-CM1. Objectifs de l’exercice Mieux comprendre et utiliser les adjectifs de nationalité, dans des phrases contextuelles Améliorer le vocabulaire et la grammaire (accord des adjectifs) Découvrir des cultures et spécialités du monde (monuments, cuisine, villes…) Contenu de l’exercice L’exercice consiste à compléter 26 phrases avec l’adjectif de nationalité approprié. Corrigé détaillé inclus. Exemples de phrases à compléter Le Louvre est un musée ______________________________ qui abrite la Joconde. Je voyage à Beijing et à Canton pour rendre visite à mes amis ______________________________. Le mont Fuji est une montagne ______________________________ sacrée : c’est un symbole du Japon.
[French A1] Reading comprehension: At the library (à la médiathèque)

[French A1] Reading comprehension: At the library (à la médiathèque)

Voici un exercice de compréhension écrite : il s’agit de lire des informations figurant sur une affiche de médiathèque. Vous trouverez 5 questions auxquelles il faudra répondre. Utile pour les niveaux CP-CE1. Cela correspond au niveau A1. À télécharger en PDF et DOCX. Here’s a reading comprehension exercise: you have to read the information on a media library poster. You will find 5 questions to answer. Useful for 1st and 2nd grade levels. This corresponds to A1 level. Download in PDF and DOCX.
[French A2-B1] Vie pratique : Expressions de tous les jours

[French A2-B1] Vie pratique : Expressions de tous les jours

Leçon : Expressions du quotidien La leçon couvre diverses situations quotidiennes telles que saluer, remercier, demander quelque chose, exprimer des sentiments, et bien plus encore. Voici un aperçu des points abordés : Salutations : Comment dire bonjour et au revoir. Demandes : Les formules de politesse pour demander quelque chose. Humeur : Comment demander et exprimer son état d’esprit. Rencontres : Les expressions lors de premières rencontres et de retrouvailles. Remerciements : Les différentes façons de remercier quelqu’un. Excuses : Comment présenter ses excuses de manière appropriée. Félicitations : Les formules pour féliciter quelqu’un. Soutien lors de maladies : souhaits de rétablissement. Condoléances : expressions appropriées en cas de décès. Exercices pratiques Pour mettre en pratique les expressions apprises, nous vous proposons plusieurs exercices : Exercice 1 – Compléter les phrases Exercice 2 – Répondre aux situations Exercice 3 – Rappeler les informations Exercice 4 – Rédaction Téléchargement en DOCX et PDF
[French FFL FLE] Présentation - Poser des questions (questions in French)

[French FFL FLE] Présentation - Poser des questions (questions in French)

Here’s an ice-breaker with 26 introductory questions, to start a conversation with your learners in the FFL classroom. Suitable for A1 and above (oral expression). Useful for A1, A2 and higher levels. PDF and DOCX formats. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… French version: Voici une activité brise-glace avec 26 questions de présentation, pour engager la conversation avec vos apprenants en classe de FLE. Adapté à partir du niveau A1.1 (questions à l’oral). Utile pour A1, A2 et niveaux ultérieurs.
Common mistakes made in French - Lesson + correct 41 sentences (with answers)

Common mistakes made in French - Lesson + correct 41 sentences (with answers)

This 7-page worksheet will help your students** avoid common mistakes** made when learning French. Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… This document is a modifiable DOCX, and you can find the same document in PDF format. On the 1st page, you’ll find a lesson on 5 specific mistakes often made by French learners : (1) Not leaving a space between the last word and the following punctuation marks, (2) capital letters where there shouldn’t be, (3) mispelling “etc.”, (4) the “accent circonflexe”, (5) the difference between « c’est chaud » and « il fait chaud ». On pages 2, 3 and 4, you will find 41 sentences written in French, with at least one mistake in each. These were real mistakes made by some of my students. Your students will have to correct each sentence by writing the correct form below. On pages 5, 6 and 7, you will find the answers for these 41 sentences, with some more information given here and there. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you!
Exercice (français) : Le danger des ballons de baudruche (dangers of balloons - plastic pollution)

Exercice (français) : Le danger des ballons de baudruche (dangers of balloons - plastic pollution)

This document discusses the danger of plastic and more specifically the danger of balloons, which are particularly harmful to birds. Indeed, a study conducted in 2019 in Australia showed that plastic was responsible for the death of more than 25% of the 1733 seabirds examined. After a text setting out the conclusions of the study, you will find a first vocabulary exercise, where you will have to link the 13 words of the text with the corresponding definition. Then, a “true or false” exercise will invite you to answer 3 questions, justifying with a sentence from the text. In the next exercise, you will have to fill in a table explaining how these pollutions are harmful: air pollution, water pollution, plastic pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, nuclear waste. It will also suggest how to reduce these pollutions. Finally, an essay question is proposed: "If you were president of the country, what measures would you take to preserve our environment? » This exercise is suitable for learners with a good level of French. For children, it is a CM2 or middle school level (6ème, 5ème or even 4ème). For adults, the exercise will be offered at level B1 or B2. The document is downloadable in PDF format. An answer sheet is included We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Handwriting (French): African animals (les animaux d'Afrique)

Handwriting (French): African animals (les animaux d'Afrique)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: African animals (Les animaux d’Afrique). You will find the following animals: éléphant - léopard (panthère) - lion - messager sagittaire - potamochère roux - rhinocéros - singe vervet - zèbre. This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
[French, dinosaurs] The Tyrannosaurus Rex - Written comprehension

[French, dinosaurs] The Tyrannosaurus Rex - Written comprehension

This illustrated worksheet is about the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the powerful and famous carnivorous dinosaur. You will find an introduction page and then an exercise page with 8 questions. This work is adapted to CE1 and CE2 levels (2nd, 3rd grade in France). You can also use it for A1-A2 French learners. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Handwriting (French): School supplies (les fournitures scolaires)

Handwriting (French): School supplies (les fournitures scolaires)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list. The theme here is: school supplies. This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) and for adults as well (i. e. level A1.1 minimum). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
[French] Find and write the right word: Sharks (les requins)

[French] Find and write the right word: Sharks (les requins)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Sharks (Les requins). You will find the following animals: grand requin blanc, requin-marteau, requin-citron, requin-léopard, requin-zèbre, requin à pointes noires, requin-scie à long nez, requin-lutin, requin-renard You will find 2 pages and an explanation text, to help you find the right words. This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
[French, basics 1st & 2nd grade] Crossword - Letters b and p

[French, basics 1st & 2nd grade] Crossword - Letters b and p

Here are some crossword puzzles that will be useful for those who are learning to read in French. You will find various objects and crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and place them in the right place. These works are intended for CP / CE1 (1st & 2nd grade). They can also be used with adults (A1 level). These exercises can be downloaded in PDF format. The subject here is the letters p and b. The purpose of the exercise is to avoid the frequent confusion between these two letters We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
[French A2, B1] Text about *walking*: comprehension & written expression

[French A2, B1] Text about *walking*: comprehension & written expression

This printable document contains a text and exercises dedicated to the subject of walking. After the reading, you will find a first exercise: from the proposed list, you will have to find the definition of 13 words (une calèche, systématiquement, bénéfique, s’aérer, vagabonder, surprenant, inspiration, embouteillage, conscient, la société, sans doute, une initiative, à coup sûr). Then, you will find 4 questions of comprehension (MCQ). Finally, in a third exercise, 3 essay questions are proposed: “How much time do you walk during a normal day? Is it enough?”; “What physical activities do you do?”; “Do you have a driver’s license? Do you use the car often?” This exercise is suitable for learners at A2 (Year 4-Year 6 = CE2-CM1 equivalent) or even B1 level. It can be downloaded in PDF format. An answer key is also included. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
105-page illustrated book (20 Mo) for illiterate wanting to learn French (A1.1, A1)

105-page illustrated book (20 Mo) for illiterate wanting to learn French (A1.1, A1)

With the book “J’apprends à lire et à écrire le français” (app. 105 pages), you will help illiterate people to learn French. This book was designed after my experience as a teacher of French as a foreign language (FLE). I experienced the learning difficulties of an audience that suffered from not being able to read French well. The approach adopted is intended to be progressive, in particular by evoking words from everyday life. We first insist on the recognition of simple and then complex syllables. Then, many copying exercises allow the learner to get used to the drawing and writing. Often, word prints are present so that the student is not left without a reference point. Then come word and sentence recognition exercises. It will be a matter of making the right choice and, sometimes, filling in empty spaces. Finally, comprehension exercises at the end of the book will help the learner to practice concrete applications of what he or she has learned (in particular with the study of the verbs ÊTRE -to be- and AVOIR -to have). This book is ideal for people who have not yet mastered the basics of reading and writing French. It is aimed at adults and young adults (newcomers, A1.1 and A1), as well as children who need reinforcement of their skills (CP, CE1 = 1st, 2nd grade). He will provide a definite help to pass the DILF (Diplôme Initial de Langue Française). We hope you will enjoy our work! Thanks!
[French A2-B1] Correct the sentences - Avoid common mistakes

[French A2-B1] Correct the sentences - Avoid common mistakes

This 2-page worksheet will help your students avoid common mistakes made when speaking French as a foreign language. Suitable for level A2-B1 or even B2. Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In this PDF document, you’ll find 12 sentences written in French, with at least one mistake in each. These were real and recurrent mistakes made by some of my students. Your students will have to correct each sentence by writing the correct form below. An answer sheet is attached. On page 2, you will find the answers for these 12 sentences. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
French: Answer simple questions in both affirmative and negative forms

French: Answer simple questions in both affirmative and negative forms

In this French exercise, intended for beginners (CP, CE1 - level A1.1, A1), you will find simple questions to be answered, using the affirmative form and then the negative form. You will find two pages of questions: the first page is about affirmative answers and the second about negative answers. This activity is useful to become familiar with the writing gesture, and to easily answer common questions. It also helps to master some of the alterations that occur in the negative form (e.g., change “un” into “de”; “du” > “de”). A complete answer key is attached to this activity. The activity can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format (editable, using the Standard Cursive font) We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you!
[French B1-B2] Transform two texts into "passé composé" (perfect tense)

[French B1-B2] Transform two texts into "passé composé" (perfect tense)

Here are two short texts written in the present tense on the subject of work and employment: you will have to transform them into the “passé composé” tense. This exercise is very useful and can be quite complex at times. It will appeal to B1-B2 level learners, as the “passé composé” is an essential French tense to master. In addition, the sentences and verbs used are taken from everyday life: the two texts are therefore very down-to-earth. You can download the exercise in PDF and DOCX format. An answer key is included. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………